Do you already play guitar and are ready to take it up a notch? Are you interested in guitar but not sure how to get started? This course is designed to meet you at your level and clear the path for you to take the next steps on your guitar journey. Students will be put into groups from beginner to advanced. Topics covered will include chords, scales, strumming patterns, finger picking, improvisation, circle of 5ths, and how to play in a group.
Art through the Ages
Explore the styles and techniques of artists from around the world! Students will learn about the elements of art and create their own masterpieces by using techniques artists have used throughout history.
Stem 360
In partnership with the California Native Plant Society, Steam 360 will include science, technology, engineering, art, and math through exploration and building projects using a variety of materials. This 360 course will give students support starting with conception through design to finished product using their imaginations.
Amazing Authors and Artists
Do you want to be a Twenty-First Century Renaissance person? Build your knowledge and creativity by not only studying literature and art, but creating it. By immersing yourself in contemporary short stories, writing in a variety of genres including fiction, nonfiction and poetry, you will also learn about the lives of great artists and create your own artworks based on their unique styles. Students will leave with a portfolio of work.
Armenian Tapestry
Come explore the myths, legends, and fairy tales of Armenian culture. Students will learn about the history, art, and cultural symbols of this ancient civilization. Students will work on different projects to demonstrate their learning. These projects will encompass writing, visual, and performing arts.
Cultural Exchange
Are you ready for an amazing trip around the world? During this class students will read stories from different cultures, travel to enchanted lands, learn about magical creatures, and befriend
many imaginary characters. Artistic and dramatic elements will be incorporated to embody the stories read.
Imaginary Lands
Using papier-mache, glitter, paint, and a variety of other feathery and fun materials, students will create a fantasy landscape and the creatures that live there.
School of Rock [Beg./Int./Adv.]
No auditions needed to join this rock band! Instruction on the guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard will be provided at various levels. Get ready to rock a mini concert on the last day of the program.
Robotics [Beg./Int./Adv.]
Students will learn the exciting art and technology of robotics, from mechanical design to programming, and strengthen their knowledge of algebra. Students will build important teamwork and problem-solving skills as well. This class is available for all levels of experience.
Chess [Beg./Int./Adv.]
The ancient game of chess develops skills in spatial relationships, awareness of consequences, and planning ahead. Beginners learn the basics of the game that can lead to a lifetime of study. Students who already possess a working knowledge of the game can take intermediate chess, while more experienced players can continue to hone their skills in advanced chess.